See Project Assignment 3 for details regarding what is expected.

Upon completing the assignment, save your Rmarkdown file (and knitted html file) as: LastName_P680_ProjAssign4_YEAR_MO_DY. Inside the “LastName_P680_commit” folder in our shared folder, create another folder named: Project-Assignment-4. Inside that file, you should include:

  1. RMarkdown file to reproduce your work

  2. Clean knitted html document from your RMarkdown file (this should be automatically produced when you knit the document in RStudio).

  3. The file structure necessary to reproduce your work independently.

    • Note: This means that any file or folder you are referencing in your RMarkdown file but not creating within the RMarkdown file (e.g., with dir.create or icpsr_download commands), you should include in your Project-Assignment-4 folder (e.g., you need to include the “Images” of the published table/figure you are reproducing).

Evaluation & Feedback

Here are some things I will look for when evaluating/providing feedback:

  • Description/Justification: Does the author describe and justify the reproduction project aims clearly and effectively? Is the original study included in one of the project folders? Can I find the table or figure in the original study that the author is attempting to reproduce? Is the original study and that specific table/figure described clearly and accurately? Do they link to and cite the published study in the RMarkdown file?

  • Description of procedures and results throughout the document: Do you write about what you are doing throughout the markdown file? In other words, are you describing what you are doing and what you are finding in the data (e.g., are your descriptives the same as the original article, are they different? Is there anything unclear in the original article that makes it difficult to decipher exactly how they coded a variable?)? See R Assignment #3 or R Assignment #4 Wallkthrough/Instructions for some examples of this.

  • Project File Structure: Is the RMarkdown file in the “root” folder of the shared drive? Are there separate and clearly marked folders following best practices (e.g., Data; Articles; Images)? Can I open the RMarkdown file and run it with one click?

  • R Code Reproducibility: After installing any necessary packages, can I successfully run all R Code chunks, or does running the code generate errors? If errors are generated, is it immediately obvious what those errors are, and can I fix them with minimal effort to continue the review of R Code chunks?

  • Miscellaneous: You may also want to consider a brief conclusion summarizing what you learned from the project and any issues you encountered with reproducing the results of the published article. The main idea for the project is for you to write a report of your reproducibility project, preferably one that could ultimately be publishable (e.g. in an online blog or website. or maybe even a journal article or research note).